Unlock Potential

Savings with an

Oly Novated


Introducing you to Oly - the straightforward and easy to understand solution to getting the car you want

  • Oly started with a simple goal: to make novated leasing simple and accessible to more people. No longer a benefit available just for employees of large corporations, government and institutions, Oly seeks to make novated leasing available to employees of small and medium sized businesses.

    Backed by one of Australia’s largest and most trusted novated leasing providers McMillan Shakespeare (MMS), so you get the full support of an experienced leasing expert with market leading expertise and technology in the field. Oly unlocks the world of novated leasing, giving more Australian’s the opportunity to save tax on their dream car.

Ready to drive smarter? Get in touch with Oly and see how easy it could be to manage running costs.

What is Novated Leasing?

How can novated leasing benefit you?

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Think of the possible savings

A novated lease allows part of your payments to come out of before-tax salary (or 100% before-tax for an eligible electric car), this means you could reduce your taxable income and save thousands on tax every year.

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Bundle car and on-road costs

With Oly you can bundle your car finance and on-road costs into one regular payment which includes petrol or charging, registration, servicing, tyres and insurance.

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Oly is here to help

Oly takes care of the admin, from arranging insurance and coordinating payments with your employer. And with Oly’s handy app, you can keep track of budgets, manage your account, and submit claims easily.

Want to see how much you can save?

Try Oly’s novated lease calculator to find out how much you could save.*

Red EV Saver


The Perfect Addition for

EV Owners

If you're considering an electric vehicle (EV), the Red EV Saver plan from Red Energy is the perfect addition to your novated lease benefits. With this plan, you can enjoy the following perks:

In partnership with Red Energy, we’re offering you a plan that goes beyond just energy savings. Eligible EV owners with a smart or interval meter can take advantage of free charging during peak times, cutting down on your overall energy costs while you charge your EV†

Why Choose Novated Leasing for Your Real Estate Business?

As a real estate professional - whether you’re a property manager, real estate agent, or a business owner - a novated lease through Oly offers an efficient, potentially tax-effective solution for managing your running expenses including petrol or charging, registration, insurance, servicing and tyres. It gives you the flexibility to:

Upgrade your vehicle

Switch to newer models for better efficiency and comfort.

Provide valuable perks to employees

Offer a competitive advantage to your team with the opportunity to get into a new car and save on tax.

Novated leasing is a great way to streamline your vehicle management while potentially saving on tax and to offer additional employee benefits.

Direct Connect is here to help you connect with the best partners, so you can save and grow your business.